Funny Archives - Fun-Meme Wed, 18 Jan 2023 17:08:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Funny Archives - Fun-Meme 32 32 How To Get The Little Things right: The Science of Laughter Wed, 18 Jan 2023 17:08:32 +0000 You’ve probably heard countless advice tips on how to get the perfect job, how to manage your work life, and more. But what do you really know about lauging that’s not total BS? If you’re like us (and so many of us are), you probably have some experience with the word “laughed at” or “laughter [...]

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You’ve probably heard countless advice tips on how to get the perfect job, how to manage your work life, and more. But what do you really know about lauging that’s not total BS? If you’re like us (and so many of us are), you probably have some experience with the word “laughed at” or “laughter at work.” So much of what we do is rely on our sense of humor to make us feel better. Without it, we might as well be in a dark room with no lights and no noises other than our breath. But why do people try to make themselves fit for purpose just by being themselves? We understand that not all jokes are meant to be laughed out, and that’s fine. There are times when it helps to just keep going, even if the laughter is awkward at best and uncomfortable at worst. And sometimes it’s even necessary! Laughter can help us remember things better, show us who we are when we’re down, and most importantly—help us feel better! So here is everything you need to know about getting the little things right with lauging.

What is laughing?

When we’re particularly cute or funny, we’re often called upon to contribute to the larger social group, whether that’s in a workplace setting or in our own homes. And there are almost always some people in our communities who find us uniquely amusing.

But sometimes, we feel an urge to let our own humor shine, to use our own energy and energy drinks, or to let our sense of humor get a bit out of control. While this behavior is perfectly understandable when we’re in a mood for laugher, it’s not consistent with how a person’s self-esteem is developed.

For instance, a depressed person might think that anyone who’s not themselves would be incredibly annoying, or even think they have a smoking gun that they need to confess to their true self. But a happy person might think, “Geez, I guess I’m a laugher! I guess that makes me an exaggerator!”

What makes a good joke?

Laughter is a part of us. It’s what we do. Whether it’s in the form of a smile, a laugh, a belly laugh, or some other form, we all have a part to play in-jokes being told and jokes being told by others. Some forms of humor are meant to be kept in check, while others are more wild and intense. But all forms of humor are applicable to almost any job and can be used for pretty much anything. Here are a few tips for building off the energy you’re already getting from being in the middle of a conversation with a co-worker or manager.

  • Don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. If you’re feeling a little lost, stressed, or in a mood for laugher, say so. It will make your co-worker or manager feel more comfortable talking to you, and help you get back to work.
  • Don’t be afraid to say “no” to requests. This can help you regain your sense of self-esteem, while also helping you change your behavior so that you’re less likely to be popular with others—and more likely to actually do what they ask!
  • Don’t be afraid to use your own energy. Your energy is what gives your body shape and form. It’s what gives you life. And your sense of humor is what gives you energy to push yourself to new levels of creativity and happiness.

Why laughter is healthy

As we’ve mentioned above, laughing helps us remember things better. It also helps us show us who we are when we’re down. Laughter can help you feel good and make you feel powerful. It can bring you joy, and can even help you feel optimistic and happy.

In fact, there is some research to suggest that laughing may be more effective in the long run than any other type of therapy. It’s been concluded that when people stop laughing, they’re more likely to try new things, become more open-minded, and have better self-esteem.

And when we’re having a lot of laugher, it’s very likely that we’re feeling a lot of different emotions. It may even be that we’re having a difficult time breathing! So, to make it less stressful, it’s Veterans Day, and you and I are going to get together for a little stress-busting activity.

Types of laughter to get the big things right

There are various types of laughter that can help you feel better.

  • Laughter when You’re Older: This is the most basic kind of humor and can be found in many forms. It can help you feel old, confident, and grown up.
  • Laughter at Work: Some of the most common types of workplace humor include the following:
  • Laugh at Work: This is often triggered by something that your co-workers or manager has said or done.
  • Laughter at Work Examples: To make this list a bit more manageable, here are a few examples of workplace humor that you may want to try out.

Examples of laughing

Let’s start with the most common types of laughing.

  • Laughter at Work – during office hours
  • Laughter at Work – on the phone, in public, etc.
  • Laughter in the car – laughing with your friends
  • Laughter in the shower – discussing what your favorite food is
  • Laughter at Home – when you’re having a family event

How to get the little things right:

The science of laughing

  • First, remember that laughing is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. It’s different for everyone, and depending on your mood and needs, one type of laughing may work better for you than another.
  • So, whether you’re having a normal day at work, experiencing stress, or just want to get away from it all, there are a few things you can do to spark some lighthearted laughter in your workplace.
  • First, find some sort ofractions that will make you laugh, and make you feel good, even if you’re not in a mood to feel awkward or uncomfortable. Some types of humor can be used in a variety of situations, so you can find one that works for you.
  • Next, find some material that uses a variety of humor types to create a lighthearted, yet serious, read. This can include poetical responses to daily problems, silly sayings, or articles about different topics that you’d like to be read for fun.
  • Finally, remember to write down what you’re laughing about, so that you can remember the experience and gain more energy to push yourself further. If you want to make it harder for yourself to do, try adding pressure or deadlines so that you have to do it better.

Show up on time and do what you’re supposed to do in your job. You know that from experience. Show up on time, do what you’re supposed to do in your job, and most importantly—Laugh at Work! Here are 8 tips for doing just that.

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The evolution of comedy: from vaudeville to stand-up Wed, 18 Jan 2023 16:53:51 +0000 Stand-up comedy has always had a dark side. In the early 20th century, for example, political satire was mostly about depicting the human condition rather than completely taking it down. But even as stand-up has been on the rise over the past few decades, it has experienced some significant changes. In fact, stand-up comedy has [...]

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Stand-up comedy has always had a dark side. In the early 20th century, for example, political satire was mostly about depicting the human condition rather than completely taking it down. But even as stand-up has been on the rise over the past few decades, it has experienced some significant changes. In fact, stand-up comedy has undergone a very rapid evolution in the past few decades. Cinephilia! is a monthly magazine that focuses on cinema, television and animation. It is published in North America and Europe by Cor Ness Publishing. Each issue focuses on one of three pillars: cinephilia (cinema), cultural appreciation (music, books, art) and entertainment (games, movies). This month’s issue is called “Evolution of Comedy”. Read on to discover what changed as well as why audiences have so much interest in this subgenre of comedy.

Vaudeville and its dark side

In many ways, vaudeville was worse than conventional media. It featured cheap, offensive and often inebriated performers who often had no talent or stagecraft whatsoever. The novelty of this style of entertainment wore off quickly and the performers quickly became targets for ridicule, abuse and harassment. In response, many cities, including New York City and Los Angeles, banned vaudeville and branded the performers “sick, demented, or otherwise off-kilter.”

World of entertainment

The popularity of popular games and series following World War II grew voracious. Hollywood, with the support of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, issued an executive order making “all federal lands and waters of the United States” accessible to all Americans. The order also made accessible virtually all forms of entertainment, including film, television and radio.

Stand-up comedy as a whole

In addition to the immediate and long-term negative effects of vaudeville and the stigma attached to off-kilter performers, stand-up comedy also has to deal with the introduction of the Internet and TV. Using tools such as YouTube and Netflix, audiences can now watch stand-up comedy anywhere, anytime. When done well, stand-up comedy can reach a much wider audience than when performed at a local performance hall.

What makes stand-up so funny?

There are many factors that contribute to the popularity of stand-up comedy, including the following: – artistic integrity and creativity are essential for stand-up to succeed – crowds are a necessary but not sufficient condition for success – anxiety and depression are a by-product of success – the act of comedy is often a response to everyday events, both good and bad – it is not the end of the world or that society has no value – it’s only the beginning. The evolution of stand-up comedy can be followed in the comments section below.

The evolution of comedy: from vaudeville to stand-up

In the twenty-first century, stand-up comedy has encountered several significant changes. First, the term vaudeville refers to an era of popular entertainment when the standard of imitated art was much higher than it is today. During this era, performers were often paid a percentage of ticket sales or were booked onto local programs. Also during this time, the number of professional clubs and clubs of all types increased. These factors led to the evolution of stand-up comedy from vaudeville to stand-up.


In short, the evolution of stand-up comedy has been very rapid. It has seen major advancements in the last decade, as well as numerous setbacks, including the loss of major film stars like Al Pacino and Michael Jackson. Additionally, the popularity of popular games and programs following World War II has led to an abundance of entertainment options for all. To be sure that your presentation is both original and innovative, remember that audiences want to be surprised. Surprise them with things that they might not expect to see, like characters you might have never seen before, or visuals you may have never seen before. You may even want to give your presentations a bit of a contemporary flavor, so that the audience can continue to be surprised by your style and ideas even when they’re older. As with all forms of creative expression, you must remember that the future of stand-up comedy is still very much in the air. The medium is constantly evolving and trying to meet new needs and demands from its audiences. Be careful with your words, but be careful with your actions, too. And as always, be safe and follow your passions not the conventions.

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The Top Ten Groundbreaking Cartoons of All Time Wed, 18 Jan 2023 16:51:22 +0000 ‍ Once upon a time, there was a cartoon that changed the way people looked at the world. It was called “The Great Copper Robber.” The Great Copper Robber is an American cartoon series that aired on Fox from 1954 to 1958. Each episode portrayed a different character as they dealt with one of the [...]

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Once upon a time, there was a cartoon that changed the way people looked at the world. It was called “The Great Copper Robber.” The Great Copper Robber is an American cartoon series that aired on Fox from 1954 to 1958. Each episode portrayed a different character as they dealt with one of the worst moments in their lives. One of these characters was Copper Robinson, the head of the North West Gold Rush Company, who became so obsessed with recovering his family’s gold that he began robbing blind until he found it! This made him famous and made him one of the top ten compelling cartoons of all time. Wrong! Today, we’ll be looking at some of our favorite movies and television shows that have inspired us to be better people by depiction of our worst impulses in catchy imagery. Keep reading for 10 of our favorite Cartoons of All Time!

Hercules And The Lion

First on our list is “Hercules And The Lion,” which first aired on the network network WM in 1955. Since then, it’s become perhaps the most recognizable and popular film in history. It also features one of the more bizarre and bizarre scenes in history, when the Roman commander Gannus was captured by the Lion and eaten. The Lion then proceeds to devour his captured human captors and serve as the source of all life, with Gannus being only the latest in a long line of villains which includes man (Gaul), the serpent (aeus), the stag beetle (hornet), and the alligator (gator).

Old Is New: The Great Dictator’s Daughter

This is one of the most popular and enduring Cartoons of All Time. It first met its fame when dictatorships around the world began using it as the basis for their political satire. In fact, one of the most popular scenes in the entire cartoon is when Hitler’s mistress Mlle. Deubl is trying to evict the Red Army from her own neighborhood. Here, she confronts Adolf and his henchman Brüsk, who are trying to take over her land. As a result, her neighbors begin to shout and throw rocks at them. Hitler then starts an assault on his own doorstep, which ends with him being trampled by two of his mistress’s horses. In short, the Great Dictator’s Daughter represents the House of Horrors and how people can become so influenced by their leader’s sick ideas.

The Flintstones

The Flintstones were a popular children’s TV show that ran from 1955 to 1960 on TV Land. It was also the first American TV show to feature a talking dog, which was a huge hit all over the world. The show follows the adventures of the simple and simple-minded farmer Mr. Castle, his three kids, and their dogGI Joe, as they farm sidereal and diurnal adventures in the American West. Flintstones is one of the most recognizable and popular American TV shows, and it is still regularly syndicated.

South Park

South Park is a popular American comedy series that follows the daily life of middle-class South Park residents. It is also one of the most popular and easily recognizable TV shows in the world. The show follows the adventures of loosely based creation South Park, which is actually based on the book by Matt Stone & Trey Parker. The show was first broadcast on the Comedy Network in 1975, but it quickly gained a following among viewers who found it dry and sardonic. Its success spawned a string of imitators, including The Go-Gurt, The South Park, & The Simpsons, but South Park stands out for being unlike any of them. The show follows South Park as it is freeeedated and repackaged with new and updated segments, often with new and fascinating characters.


This is a very familiar Cartoon of All Time, but we’ll be seeing a lot more of this one in the future. In fact, Wreck-It Ralph is perhaps the most famous refurbished original cartoon ever made. The show follows Ralph and his alter-ego Ralph Riva, who are a ricin-dealing insurance adjuster and co-worker, respectively, who come to life as a result of artificial intelligence. The show is often compared to… c-ingly? That is, to the point where it becomes silly and silly-like, and you can laugh with it as much as possible. The characters are always well-choreographed and acted with aplomb, and the story is generally sweet and heartwarming.

SpongeBob Squarepants

This is perhaps the most popular and recognizable character on the SpongeBob Squarepants team, and he has a habit of cheering you on even when you’re down. The character is based on the real-life best-selling author Paul Feig, and he created the show in 1999. The show follows the mischievous sponge SpongeBob as he searches for everything from his favorite things to the perfect sponge crust. The show is well-choreographed and always has a genuine and happy-go-lucky charm to it, which is what you want from your TV series.

Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh is perhaps the most popular and recognizable character in all of children’s literature. The story of this classic character is filled with heartwarming moments and delightful misadventures, as well as many dark and serious moments. The Pooh series first hit American television in 1967 as the first “Cbidden” series, which means it was first broadcast on the Children’s Television Network in the U.S. It was followed by several other C-level series, but its appeal is clearly limited to kids.

How I Met Your Mother

The one and only “How I Met Your Mother” is an American fantasy-comedy series that started as a single-camera show on the National Geographic Network in 2011 and has gone on to become one of the most successful shows in television history. The show follows the adventures of two astrophysicists from different non-university department sites, as they search for extraterrestrial life in the Universe. Each episode of “How I Met Your Mother” is different in that they are all distinctive and distinct, with each installment bringing a world of new information to the screen.

Friends and Friends: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

This is perhaps the most iconic and popular Seinfeld episode, but there are many others that have also caught on and become iconic. “The Good, The Bad & The Ugly” is a classic that cribs heavily from the Disney classic “Beauty and the Beast.” It is set in the year 2056, and it features the return of the brilliant and charming George and Martha, along with their canine friend, Pooh. “The Good, The Bad & The Ugly” is perhaps the most iconic and popular Seinfeld episode, but there are many others that have also caught on and become iconic. You will not see these on the regular screen, but they are found on the VHS and SES Home Entertainment releases.


South Africa’s First African-American Television Show
This was produced by the South African government and is perhaps the most famous African-American television show. The show features a ragtag group of African-American comedians and actors as they take on the difficult task of creating and presenting classic African-American humor. The program was first broadcast on South African television in 1964, and it has been broadcast ever since, premiering on the Z.I.S.E. network in 2001.

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