Trolls Archives - Fun-Meme Wed, 18 Jan 2023 16:33:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trolls Archives - Fun-Meme 32 32 Top 10 Most Notorious Trolls in Internet History Wed, 18 Jan 2023 16:33:31 +0000 The internet has brought about many positive changes to our world, but it has also brought with it a new type of negative behavior known as “trolling.” Trolling is defined as the act of deliberately inciting anger or offense in others through online communication. It can take many forms, from posting inflammatory comments on social [...]

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The internet has brought about many positive changes to our world, but it has also brought with it a new type of negative behavior known as “trolling.” Trolling is defined as the act of deliberately inciting anger or offense in others through online communication. It can take many forms, from posting inflammatory comments on social media to creating fake accounts for the purpose of harassment. Although the behavior has been around since the beginning of the internet, certain individuals have stood out for the severity and notoriety of their actions. In this blog post, we will take a look at the top 10 most notorious trolls in internet history and their impact on the online world.

Andrew Auernheimer, also known as “weev,”

is a notorious hacker and troll who has been convicted of identity fraud and computer crimes. He is known for his racist and anti-Semitic views and for targeting Jewish and African American individuals in his trolling. He has been associated with the alt-right movement and has been linked to various hacking and cyber-attacks. He was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his actions, and has continued to be active online since his release.

Milo Yiannopoulos,

a British journalist and political commentator, who has been banned from several social media platforms for his controversial statements and trolling behavior. He has been accused of promoting hate speech and white nationalist views. He rose to fame through his association with the alt-right movement, and was known for his controversial statements on a wide range of issues, including race, gender, and immigration. He has been banned from several social media platforms for his trolling behavior.

Michael Brutsch, also known as “Violentacrez,”

is a troll who was known for creating and moderating controversial content on the website Reddit. He was eventually outed and lost his job as a result of his trolling. He was responsible for creating and moderating several controversial subreddits, such as “jailbait,” which featured sexualized images of underage girls. He was eventually outed by a journalist, and his actions led to a wider conversation about the nature of anonymity on the internet and the responsibilities of moderators.

Christopher Poole, also known as “moot,”

is the founder of 4chan, an imageboard website known for its anonymity and its promotion of trolling and offensive content. Although Poole has said that he did not condone the trolling that occurred on the site, he is still considered a notorious troll due to the impact that 4chan has had on the internet. 4chan has been linked to a wide range of controversial events, including the hacking of several high-profile websites and the distribution of personal information of celebrities.

Luka Magnotta, also known as “Luke Magnotta,”

is a Canadian criminal who was convicted of murdering and dismembering a man in 2012. He is also known for posting a video of the murder online and for using the internet to taunt and provoke the authorities. He was eventually arrested in Germany and was sentenced to life in prison for his actions. His case highlighted the dangers of the dark web and the ease with which criminals can use the internet to evade capture.

Joshua Ryne Goldberg, an American who posed as an Australian jihadist,

has been arrested and charged for giving information to supporters of ISIS, on how to make a bomb, he also provided information on how to carry out an attack on the US memorial event of 9/11. He used social media to create multiple fake profiles, where he encouraged acts of terrorism, and provided detailed instructions on how to make a bomb. His actions have raised important questions about online radicalization and the ability of law enforcement to track down individuals who use the internet to promote violence.

Martin Shkreli, also known as “Pharma Bro,”

is a former pharmaceutical executive who gained notoriety for his trolling behavior, including his decision to raise the price of a life-saving drug by 5000%. His actions sparked widespread outrage, and he became the face of greed and corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. He was eventually convicted of securities fraud and is currently serving a prison sentence.

Jake Brahm, also known as “Bustanut,”

is an American troll who was convicted of making bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers and the Anti-Defamation League. He used the internet to make false threats, causing widespread fear and panic. His actions have highlighted the serious nature of internet trolling and the real-world consequences it can have.

Paul Chambers, also known as “crazycolours,”

is a British man who was convicted of sending a menacing tweet in which he threatened to blow up an airport. He became known as the “Twitter Joke Trial” case, as his tweet was meant to be a joke but still resulted in conviction for a criminal offense. His case raised important questions about freedom of speech and the limits of what is considered acceptable behavior on social media.

James Andrew Williams, also known as “Jihadi Jim,”

is an American troll who was convicted of making online threats against a Jewish community center and a federal official. He used social media to make threats and post offensive content, causing fear and alarm among the community. His actions highlight the seriousness of internet trolling and the impact it can have on real-world communities.

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How We Entered The World of Internet Trolls Wed, 18 Jan 2023 16:28:27 +0000 ‍ The Internet is a large, complex, often debated and misunderstood world. Many of us have experienced some form of online abuse at one time or another, and we’ve grown more sensitive about who we trust online. The internet has become a wild, wild West—and it’s also become a place where anyone can fall victim [...]

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The Internet is a large, complex, often debated and misunderstood world. Many of us have experienced some form of online abuse at one time or another, and we’ve grown more sensitive about who we trust online. The internet has become a wild, wild West—and it’s also become a place where anyone can fall victim to the whims of an Internet troll. From cyber-friends to complete strangers, trolls are out there trying to make you feel bad or worse than you actually are. Because of this dynamic nature of the internet—and especially its role as a social media site—we have all met people who seem to understand our darkest thoughts and motivations much better than we ever could communicate them with words alone. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and miss the larger picture when you’re Kingston Ines-Reece looking out for that one friend you really should be following but can’t seem to find anymore. Let’s take a look at how we entered the world of Internet Trolls:

Internet Trolls Are People Too

A huge part of the internet’s charm is the amount of human contact it offers. As soon as you step online, you’re surrounded by people you can talk to, share experiences with, and interact with—yes, even if you don’t know them from the media. You might meet some of your friends on the forums, or you might see them working together on a website. Online friendships can last for years, even if you don’t have anything else to do with them. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to meet people, exchange experiences, and expand your circle of friends. It’s easy to get too attached to friendships on the internet, and while you might like to think you’re looking out for your buddy’s best interest, you could also be hurting yourself. It’s a good idea to get to know people you meet online at their most vulnerable moment, before they’ve gone public with their hatred.

Why We’re Targeted

We love to think we’re super smart and advanced, but the internet has shown us that we’re actually pretty stupid. We all make mistakes, and there’s no way to know for sure if someone you know is actually malicious. So when someone on the internet starts targeting you based on your perceived worth or your “notability,” it’s a red flag. You need to be super upfront and transparent about who you are online and why you’re there. Sounds like you want to get in trouble, don’t you? If you keep this up, you’re in big trouble. You need to take a step back and ask yourself: Is this the person I want to be in trouble with?

How We Learn About You

As soon as you have a suspicion that someone is mad at you, you need to get them in contact with the authorities. Make a few calls, get their # and address, and if you have to, file a report. You can also start a private investigation, but you need to be ready to talk to anyone in authority. The internet has a tendency to UV-proof its users, so they can easily be found if they try to carry on doing what they were originally doing online. If you see something online that looks like it was taken from the internet, report it to the authorities or report it to the first responder. Remember, the internet is a place for everyone—whether you like it or not, it’s a place for friends to meet and exchange experiences. If you witness any wrongdoings online, don’t keep it to yourself—speak up and help remind the world what you stand for.

Why Internet Trolls Don’t Understand Your Thoughts

One of the most important things you can do if you sense that someone is targeting you is to educate them. You can start by educating yourself on the various ways the internet works. You can also email your favorite Internet torture researchers or discuss your concerns with your friends on the forums. Internet forums are a great place to share your concerns and learn about other users’ experiences. If you’ve been targetting people on the forums for some time, it’s natural to become comfortable with the increased transparency and openness there. But if you’ve been targeting people for a while, but haven’t shared your sentiments in many lists of friends, you might want to start doing so. It’s easy to feel like you’re talking to an old friend and not seeing the other person in the same room. It might be best to get to know everyone you meet on the internet better, even if you already know a lot about them.

The Internet as a Social Media Site

Speaking of friends, you should also start talking to other people online, as well as in real life. There are plenty of ways to do this—you can meet online, take the survey, or chat with someone you know in person. So when you’re in the mood to chat, don’t be ashamed of it—it’s a really easy way to make friends. Plus, you can always check out other people’s profiles to see what they’re up to. It doesn’t matter if you like animals, sports, or tech, there are tons of interesting people out there who share similar interests. If you find that you’re getting drawn in by social media or talking to people on the internet, it might be best to switch to a digital platform that allows you to interact more easily. It’s also a good idea to check out how other people use your platform. Are you using Facebook or Instagram? Does your blogger use those platforms? There are plenty of ways to get involved in social media and online discussions, regardless of what platform you’re on. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the three main social media platforms available online, but there are tons of other options.

How to Avoid Internet Trolls

There are lots of ways to avoid being a Internet troll, but here are a few tips that will get you by the mill. Don’t use the internet to search for other people’s IDs or find out about their daily activities. This is especially important if you’re on the move—remember, any momentaryPhoto or video chat with someone you don’t know can be a lead to more trouble. Don’t be shy in telling people you know you’re online that you don’t like. This might sound like a pretty drastic move, but it’s important not to be shy in demonstrating your distaste for online social interaction. It might seem like an audacious move, but it’s the only real way to get an audience to read your mind. Be as specific as possible in your complaints and complaints about things you don’t like. It doesn’t matter if you’re a silver spoon heiress, as long as you show up with your facts. It’s that simple.

What to Do if You’re a Internet Troll?

You may not realize it, but the internet is full of friendly, helpful people who are also looking for ways to make your day. The Internet doesn’t care if you’re a bad or bad-as-you-are kind of person—all it’s really interested in is talking to people and finding out what they think. You’re number one on that list, and the only way that happens is if you make an effort to be online. So if you want to find a friend, meet online—like, in person, if not by phone. Make an effort to socialize with people, have a genuine conversation with them, and learn a little bit about them so you can learn more about yourself as well. If you want to find a mentor, start a journal. It may seem like a simple thing, but it’s the perfect way to get yourself off to a great start. Writing down your thoughts and feelings will allow you to reflect on them and see if there’s anything you can do to improve them. If you’re feeling stuck and unsure where to start, fear not—we’ve got a quick and easy way to get yourself online. To get started, head to this link. Once you’re online, look for anyone who might be looking for a friend. You can join millions of other people every day on the internet and meet new people from

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The Psychology of Trolling: Understanding Why People Do It Wed, 18 Jan 2023 16:25:01 +0000 The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us to people and information from all around the world. However, as with any new technology, the internet has also brought with it a host of new challenges and negative behaviors. One of the most prevalent and destructive of these behaviors is trolling.Trolling [...]

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The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us to people and information from all around the world. However, as with any new technology, the internet has also brought with it a host of new challenges and negative behaviors. One of the most prevalent and destructive of these behaviors is trolling.
Trolling is defined as the act of deliberately inciting anger or offense in others through online communication. It can take many forms, from posting inflammatory comments on social media to creating fake accounts for the purpose of harassment. It’s a behavior that has become all too common online, with many people experiencing trolling behavior in some form or another.
But why do people engage in this behavior? What drives someone to seek out and provoke others online? To understand the psychology of trolling, it is first important to acknowledge that there is no one single motive behind this behavior. Different trolls may have different reasons for their actions. However, by understanding the common psychological factors that drive individuals to engage in trolling, we can work towards developing strategies to combat this negative behavior online.
One of the key factors that drive individuals to engage in trolling behavior is a need for attention and validation. People who feel invisible or unimportant in the real world may turn to trolling as a way to feel seen and heard. Additionally, some trolls may have a desire for power and control and use trolling as a way to exert their dominance over others.

The anonymity of the internet

can play a role in promoting trolling behavior. When individuals feel that they can say or do whatever they want without fear of repercussions, they may be more likely to engage in trolling behavior.

Some research

has suggested that there may be a link between trolling behavior and sadism. Sadists derive pleasure from causing harm to others, and they may find this pleasure in trolling others online.

Social learning theory

can also help to explain trolling behavior. When individuals see others engaging in trolling behavior and receiving positive reinforcement (e.g. likes, shares, etc.), they may be more likely to engage in this behavior themselves.


research has found that people who have high levels of trait aggression, trait anger, or trait impulsivity, are more likely to engage in trolling. These people may use trolling as a way to vent their negative emotions.

Trolling also has a negative impact

on the mental health of the victims, it can cause depression, anxiety, and even PTSD. It’s important for individuals who are experiencing online harassment to seek support and to report the abuse.


research has found that people who are exposed to trolling behavior are more likely to engage in the same behavior themselves. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of the impact that our behavior online has on others.

To combat trolling behavior,

it’s important for individuals to take responsibility for their actions online and to understand the impact that their behavior can have on others. Additionally, social media platforms and online communities can also take steps to reduce trolling behavior by implementing stricter policies and enforcing them more effectively.


it’s important to recognize that not all trolls are the same, some trolls may be doing it for fun, while others may have a deep-seated psychological issue that they need help with. Therefore, it’s important not to stereotype all trolls as being the same, and to instead take a nuanced approach when dealing with them.

Overall, understanding the psychology of trolling is an important step in reducing this negative behavior online. By understanding the common psychological factors that drive individuals to engage in trolling, we can develop strategies to combat this behavior and create a safer and more positive online environment for everyone.

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